Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy to use hardware and software. Arduino boards are able to read inputs such as light on a sensor , pushing of the switch button and also lighting up an LED. We can programme an arduino board using a programming language which is C++.
3 LED with push button(start the stimulation and press the switch button for display)
C++ code for 3 LED with push button
For line 3-7, each LED and push button was assign to a pin and variables were declared.
Next up is the void setup, let me first explain what PinMode() function does. It is used to configure a specific pin to behave either as an input or an output. Hence here the LEDs will be the ouput(the display), push button as the input.
Lastly is the void loop where the code inside the loop function runs over and over as long as the Arduino board is turned on. For the code is the void loop, when the push button is not pressed yet(btnst==LOW). "IF" the push button is pressed(btnst==HIGH) the red LED will light up(digitalWrite(Rled, HIGH)) first for 0.5s(delay(500)) then it will be off(digitalWrite(Rled, LOW)). Next the yellow LED will light up(digitalWrite(Yled, HIGH)) first for 0.5s(delay(500)) then it will be off(digitalWrite(Yled, LOW)). Lastly, the green LED will light up(digitalWrite(Gled, HIGH)) first for 0.5s(delay(500)) then it will be off(digitalWrite(Gled, LOW)). "ELSE" if the push button is not pressed none of the LEDs will light up. Therefore (digitalWrite(Rled, LOW)),(digitalWrite(Yled, LOW)),(digitalWrite(Gled, LOW)).